
Graphics card serial number 230437013762
Graphics card serial number 230437013762

  • Register your 3 Year Warranty product purchased new from an authorized reseller within 14 days of your original purchase date.
  • It is in big print if you just read the step up guidelines: I'm almost positive you have 90 days from date of purchase to register and still be eligible for step up. I'm pretty sure you don't have to purchase anything to step up, even if you didn't register right away.

    graphics card serial number 230437013762 graphics card serial number 230437013762

    Probably makes it less attractive to do the step up. Dwoodward trabe3 Just an FYI on your plan for the Step-Up though, since you didn't register within 14 days of purchase, you will need to buy the extended warranty to be eligible for the Step-Up program.

    Graphics card serial number 230437013762